Sunday, February 24, 2013

Why I'm all alone

Why I’m all alone…

I actually had a great conversation with someone at the bar last night about hooking up with random guys. He shares the same feelings I do (yes, he’s gay.. Get over it) but we were talking about how stupid one night stands are. And they truly are. You just put your whole self out there for someone you barely know for one night of your life. It’s stupid when you think of it, so why do we do it? Because we want instant gratification now, we don’t wanna wait for a relationship to start and to get to know the other person well. If someone’s DTF & you’re both drunk, you’ll do it. And when I look back at all of the times I’ve done this, I’m ashamed of myself. I know everyone does it, so it’s ok. But it’s not, for your moral sake. After a while it kinda breaks you down and put this guard up where you won’t let anyone at all in. So like my guy friend and I were talking about last night; we want an actual relationship before we have sex with anyone, which makes so much sense because then you can do it all day, any day. Haha. But seriously, you don’t have to wait for marriage, just wait for the right guy

7-9pm est thursdays

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