Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The ostrich by M.C Cray

This post is from the mind of one our followers. We love hearing from you all and want to let your thoughts be heard. Thats what Truality radio is all about.........

The Ostrich. An animal we are all familiar with as its rumored propensity to bury its head in the sand to escape danger is often used as a metaphor for those among us who would like to ignore reality. Although it is a myth that the Ostrich behaves this way when placed in imminent danger, unfortunately it is not a myth that human beings often engage in this behavior in a more disturbing way. We live in a world that is becoming increasingly polarized in every way. We shut out opposing views that contradict our own. We can block or delete anyone that posts anything on social media that we disagree with, are offended by, or that does not line up with our view of the world. Instead of using the unprecedented tools of communication to expand our knowledge and expose ourselves to new experiences and points of view, we use them to insulate and isolate ourselves from others and become virtual hermits.
The author C.S. Lewis once wrote “You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you…. Only a real risk tests the reality of a belief.” How many times do we utilize the opportunities that we are presented with as a means to expose ourselves to new ideas and as a means to test the validity of our own beliefs? Most found their beliefs upon superficialities such as being raised in a certain way or worst of all, buying into the mentality of the majority. Such beliefs that are hastily made are uneducated and foolish. I submit to you that the vast majority of us living in this world do not really know what we believe since we are unwilling to put our beliefs to the test to determine whether they can withstand the flames of adversarial discourse. This reluctance leads to ignorance that is perceived as enlightenment. We get tangled in our own narrow scope of the world that is reinforced by the like-minds that we choose to be surrounded by in order validate ourselves with. In reality we should constantly be striving to have these types of interactions on a daily basis; interactions that challenge our patterns of thought and threaten to shake our very being at its core. If the foundation of belief is solid, it will stand firm and weather the storm. If it is not, it will collapse. It is our fear that our views will not pass this test that makes us want to keep them out of harm’s way.
No matter where you fall on the spectrum of belief, I implore you to not fall into the trap of insulating yourself from the ideas of others. If you encounter someone you disagree with, engage them in a conversation about their beliefs. No matter how offended you are, how much you disagree, or how much views might diverge from your own, do not bury your head in the sand. By doing so, you can test your beliefs and perhaps you might be the person that causes them to reconsider their beliefs, or they may even cause you to reconsider your own. Speak with one another instead of running from each other. Let us reason together and try to understand one another as opposed to drawing a line in the sand or even burying your head in it. If you do the latter, you may feel blanketed in the illusion of safety you create, but you leave yourself exposed to the danger of the greatest predator of all: your own ignorance.

-M.C Cray

7-9pm thursdays

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