Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Time time time....

"The clock ticks..
time slips
As we get lost in these wasted 1 hertz pulses of a thought of existence taken for granted as just an experience but growth digressed by a theory of negativity. Were dying of thirst and losing breath and its time to breathe. Have u tasted pure water or pure oxygen.? Oddly the only place u can find these is within because once u have been within u can never be without. And once u are within there are no stains and it makes me wanna shout. once u get in forget what is without because the truth is once u get there is no spoon...because there is no without.
Shout out to the ezrakator..." -Chuck Dueces

.00001157407407 hertz is the frequency (in hertz) that the earth gives to the solar system. .0000000317092 hertz is the frequency the earth and sun give the galaxy like a duet. Together they form the a dual part of the solar system frequency of .000000000000367004629500444 hertz. Time is slower.......

When high we are farther away from everything we think there is and become more and more like the point from which everything is compared. The farther away from something you are the slower your cycles are and thus time (relevant to you of course) is slower in a way because as one thing maybe flying around in cycles because its close to another cycle, you may be so far away as to be less affected by any of the objects

To be everywhere is to be close to everything and thus time flies. So when we separate ourselves from everything can slow time down. When we realize things more and more they become closer to you and thus we speed up. Such power the mind has.

Things vibrate at certain frequencies. If its strong enough, the closer you get to it the more influence it will have on your frequency. It may change you to its frequency. But then again you may change it! If its cycle is 10hertz and you vibrate at empty hertz some time represented as 0.0hertz (aka absolute timelessness) you may find yourself beginning to vibrate at 5hertz.

The cool thing about being us is that we have the ability to raise or lower our vibrations and with mastery we can vibrate at any frequency. Because of that we can match anything or be the complete opposite to it. We can go with the flow or not at all. (Free will...) but we can also get lost in it if we don't know ourselves to the core. You can find yourself becoming something that isn't you. Taking the inner journey is imperative if you want to get into some deep stuff. But i digress, we could vibrate to see different dimensions and different things that vibrate on different frequencies like things that live by the flame or by ice......

But we must first take the journey into the wilderness to find themselves because we have been in this world so long that we may think we know ourselves and who we are but we don't. Thats ok! The secret is we are that which was lost. We are the true word for those who know what I'm alluding to.

The true word is us devoid of vices and superfluities of life. The perfect ashlar within the rough. The perfect corner stone which was in the beginning before this world. So we can go there again and never return to this place, this Babylon, this hell. And travel to that undiscovered country from whose born no traveller ever returns. But it is a journey you have to make on your own free will and accord...and thats the tru tru!

-Chuck Dueces
7-9pm thursdays

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